September serves as Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, putting the spotlight on the most frequently diagnosed cancer in men and the second-leading cause of cancer death in men (behind only lung cancer).
According to the American Cancer Society, there will be approximately 233,000 new cases of prostate cancer and an estimated 29,480 deaths in the United States during 2015.
The first and most important step is for men to have a conversation with their urologists. To encourage that interaction and establish a dialogue, patients can start with the following list: “Seven Questions Every Man Should Ask His Urologist About Prostate Cancer.”
7) “Is my family history important? What hereditary factors are significant?”
6) “Does race matter? Are certain population segments more at risk than others?”
5) “According to the government, I don’t need to be screened for prostate cancer. Do I even need to take a PSA (prostate specific antigen) test?”
4) “What other tests, if any, should I consider?”
3) “I’ve heard you can live with prostate cancer. If I have it, do I need to be treated?”
2) “What about diet? Are there any foods to absolutely eat or absolutely avoid eating?”
1) “I hear about progress in the field of genetics. Are genetics advancements helping in the treatment of prostate cancer?”
Prostate Cancer Awareness Month is the perfect time to increase public understanding of the disease, including its prevalence, the approaches to screening and prevention, treatment options and patient resources.
It’s also the perfect time for men to have a candid conversation with their urologists. Find out more about prostate cancer here.