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Movember Ends But Good Health Practices Continue

November 27, 2017

Tonight nearly 60 staff and friends of The Urology Group staff wet their whiskers for a good cause, raising awareness for prostate cancer and other men’s health issues.

We held our annual Movember shave-off event at a new venue, Listermann Brewing Co., with men getting clean shaves, marking the end of our “Grow and Give” health awareness campaign.

The incidence and mortality rates of prostate cancer nearly mirror those of breast cancer. Surprised? Many people are. That’s why we strive to find opportunities like Movember to get patients, especially men, talking about their health.

If there’s one important take-away from Movember it’s this: men age 50 or older should get an annual prostate exam. It’s painless and the exam takes less time than standing in line for a refill. Truly. This simple exam helps set a baseline for monitoring your health as you age, providing you with more time and more options to address the disease if you get it.

We would like to thank this year’s event partners:
-Barbers from Roosters Men’s Grooming Center
-Dendreon for providing snacks for the event
-Listermann Brewing Co. for hosting

A big thank you to everyone to participated, whether by growing a ‘Mo or by cheering on those who did, to make this Movember a success!

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